Mirror or Mirage?

A journey in self-discovery about me... about life...about what it means to be... what it means to be happy... and what it means to be alive. Are we really living our lives? Come and explore - reality awaits.

13 July 2006

Of thoughts and thinking

Pondering upon a single thought of ours
Can often result in a consequence
Entirely different from that perceived
In our original thought sequence.

If only we would take time to think
And re-process a particular thought we think
We would surprise ourselves upon realising
The extent of change the rethinking process can bring!

12 July 2006

Tag it from the Top

Sayesha has beckoned a revival of this blog, if only on account of a tag. Hopefully, it'll be a new beginning for the revival of fruitful exchanges between me and myself! This one's for you Sayesha.

I said...

We live only once, so why not give it our best shot?

I want...

To learn so many things!!!

I wish...

I realise my dream of changing lives in some significant way.

I miss...


I hear...

The persisitent noises typical of a sleepless and restless city.

I wonder...

Why people forget. If only we recognised that although we may not remember our words, our every interaction, someone up there does. And whatever we do / say will bear its consequence. Eventually.

I regret...

Taking life too seriously in the past.

I am...

Living each moment as it comes - squeeeezing the pleasure out of it! :)

I dance...

To practically anything as long as it's desi.

I sing...

From my heart.

I cry...

At least once a month. It cleanses my system flushing out all negativity. It helps maintain positivity in all my relationships, and most importantly, in my heart.

I am not...

Interested in interaction which forces me to be someone I am not.

I write...

To unleash my innermost thoughts.

I confuse...

Idealism with reality at times.

I need...

Time to myself, without which I can get quite irritable.

I should...

Take more vacation time to visit and catch up with people I haven't caught up with in ages!
(Afterthought: I should blog more often :p!)

I finish...

My first post in 6 months!!!