Mirror or Mirage?

A journey in self-discovery about me... about life...about what it means to be... what it means to be happy... and what it means to be alive. Are we really living our lives? Come and explore - reality awaits.

27 May 2005

Soldier On

The rain is beating hard
But I will soldier on
It hurts as it beats down on me
But I will soldier on

It's everywhere I go
As if the cloud follows me along
It laughs its thunderous laugh
But I will soldier on

It pours down harder
When I guard myself well and strong
Hoping that I will cave under
But I will soldier on

It's in my face and hurting my eyes
It's raining all the way on this road ever-long
It awaits a chance that I may slip or lose my grip
But no, I must soldier on

I brave the wind which beats the raindrops even harder on me
The rain is so dense that it's sometimes difficult to see
It stealthily subsides, waiting for me to take a turn so wrong
But I won't, I will not succumb for I am made to soldier on.

They tried ever so hard those black clouds
They flooded my tears and drowned my happy song
But I sang louder and louder to myself
Because I knew that I had won, just by soldiering on.

26 May 2005

Today be Gone

The princess is at a loss for words today
For nothing she says will make her day
Not that her day was bad
Just empty. Not sad.
Devoid of meaning or emotion
But lots happening and lots in motion
Today she failed to make a difference
It's a day when things don't make sense
Why are we helpless souls at times?
My words are irrelevant and empty are these lines.
I yearn that a smile I should bring
To those I care for, and make their hearts sing.
But no such thing happened today.
So I'm left, with an incomplete day.
So I'll try tomorrow again to be Me.
Let today be gone. Let it be history.

24 May 2005

Blessed am I

Blessed am I
For I have seen
That good friends are
Few and far between

I share such a friendship
With a special soul
It's a blessing I say
Daily, its beauty unfolds.

I wish only that all people
Should experience such a bond
Where friends remain true
Healing all woes with their magic wand.

I am honoured
To have had this chance
To live this friendship
To share this dance

Where each soul nurtures
The other's qualities
Soothing all worries
Setting it at ease.

This beautiful friendship
Has propelled me far
To heights I never imagined
I now sit amidst the stars

But I share this beauty
With my friend it is not mine alone
The secret behind where I am
Lies in the seeds of friendship which have been sown.

Every experience
Is a novel guide.
Today's experience was eye-opening
What a ride!

But it is a testament indeed
To what our friendship withstands
That when the odds strike hardest
We stand to face it with joint hands.

My happiness is yours to share
Just as your success is mine.
But the friend I have found in YOU
Words would be inadequate to define.

You know who you are. Thank you - for everything.