Mirror or Mirage?

A journey in self-discovery about me... about life...about what it means to be... what it means to be happy... and what it means to be alive. Are we really living our lives? Come and explore - reality awaits.

06 May 2005

The Dance

The sun had set once upon a time
All hope was lost; her world had fallen apart
She cried as she roamed in the depths of her darkness
All alone, picking up pieces of her broken heart

She reasoned, and thought hard
How could she do justice to her soul?
By allowing time to heal these wounds

While still believing that true love was her eternal goal.

For she was born to love
She was born to endlessly give
She wrapped old wounds in new petals of love
So that the flower of love in her heart, would have a chance to live.

Her ray of hope and her internal belief
That her love would conquer the tragedy that had transpired
She felt a new passion, a new drive to look forward
Her yearning for love had yet again been inspired.

With time, her heart began to dance again
The musical chime of love would tickle the yearning in her heart
She had practiced how to dance in the dark so often
That now, her love dance perfected was a beautiful work of art.

Passers by would happily gaze
And join in the spirit of her love dance
Touched by her passion and helplessly caught
In the simplicity and purity of her love-struck glance.

She eagerly looked forward to the day
When her dance would be graced by light
Oh she would love so freely and openly
For this would signal that she had won her fight.

And with this dream she let herself sleep
In the arms of the darkest nights
Hoping that when she would awake
Her love would embrace her heart, taking her to new heights.

A piercing light shone on her face
She contained her excitement no more
She had known day would follow night!
She danced as she had danced never before.

She had won – won the test of time
The light was witness to her success
And she allowed herself to be carried by this light
Trusting in it, with unshaking faith, hoping for the best.

She blossomed and bloomed
As the power of love chided her petals to unfold
She cared not for night nor day
Questioning nothing and believing everything she was told.

She lay her heart out onto the field
Always trusting, forever believing in the reality of her dreams
She paid no heed to her aching limbs as she danced
Nor let touch her her flower’s cutting screams.

Against the chill of the gusty, uncaring winds
She bled as she danced, her petals running dry
Her heart felt brittle, her flower was dying
She felt pain but she didn’t know why.

Her dance had ended
Yet she tried so hard to carry on
But alas, darkness had invaded
Her petals were clipped and her guiding light had gone.

What she had thought to be the arrival of day
Was but a glimmer of light with dawn breaking through
What was in truth yet another passing test,
She had mistaken to be her dancing cue.

The piercing light she had seen –
Yes it was a ray of hope and a reason to smile
But there were still tests to pass, seeds to sow
For in her, there still resided an infant, a child.

Should she lose the child in her heart?
Wear the mask that all those around her do?
Should she dye her petals a different colour?
And wear a heart that doesn’t turn blue?

It’s wrong. She may try but she can’t.
She was born to love, born to give away.
And so she’ll wait. And wait.
Believing that she will at some point, see the light of day.

Sunday 17th Feb., ’02, 3:30pm

05 May 2005

Of Laughter and Hearty Laughs

There's a gathering of loved ones
We sit in a circle seeing each other eye to eye
Many recall comical memories from the past
Describing each incident with an excitement that induces a high...

Each person tells their story with punchy imagery
Some with astonishingly acute details that only a few of us knew
Such is their accuracy that it seems that the moments have been etched in their memory
Ready to be dug up to tell the tale over and to relive that moment with you!

It is amazing - the stories are just flowing on and on
And with each story comes a punchline setting the scene for laughter
Bursts of giggles follow as tears roll down our cheeks now wet
While we laugh heartily and roll around on the floor at the jokes long after.

It's a circle which embraces family and friends alike when the bonding ensues
Only in this powerful circle is there an energy so wild, refreshing and new
It draws at your innermost happiness; tugging at the strings of your laughter gland
It brings you hearty laughs as a Winner emerges from each and every one of you!

03 May 2005

It's only a matter of time...

We often wonder how we will achieve our goals
We persistently look out for ways to improve on today
Worry and analysis tend to conquer most of our day
It's all just a matter of time I say ...

Whatever is to come our way
Whether by way of dues or destiny
Long as we know we have put our best efforts forward
Whatever will be will be...

That's not to say that one cannot plan things
Indeed, being a planner and making things happen is all a part of the game
But what is crucial is that we dont take away our focus from things positive
By engaging in activites that lead to our positive energies being drained...

A dream is more likely to materialise
If one focuses on the certainty of the good times coming our way
By putting in the positive efforts to cultivate one's goal
When the time arrives, we will see a reality that is in our dreams today!

So be hopeful always,
For good things unravel themselves day by day...
Be thankful and grateful for the happinesses we have gathered to date
There's more to come, it's just a matter of time I say....