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I said...
We live only once, so why not give it our best shot?
I want...
To learn so many things!!!
I wish...
I realise my dream of changing lives in some significant way.
I miss...
I hear...
The persisitent noises typical of a sleepless and restless city.
I wonder...
Why people forget. If only we recognised that although we may not remember our words, our every interaction, someone up there does. And whatever we do / say will bear its consequence. Eventually.
I regret...
Taking life too seriously in the past.
I am...
Living each moment as it comes - squeeeezing the pleasure out of it! :)
I dance...
To practically anything as long as it's desi.
I sing...
From my heart.
I cry...
At least once a month. It cleanses my system flushing out all negativity. It helps maintain positivity in all my relationships, and most importantly, in my heart.
I am not...
Interested in interaction which forces me to be someone I am not.
I write...
To unleash my innermost thoughts.
I confuse...
Idealism with reality at times.
I need...
Time to myself, without which I can get quite irritable.
I should...
Take more vacation time to visit and catch up with people I haven't caught up with in ages!
(Afterthought: I should blog more often :p!)
I finish...
My first post in 6 months!!!
And I concur with every point made about blogging! :)