Mirror or Mirage?

A journey in self-discovery about me... about life...about what it means to be... what it means to be happy... and what it means to be alive. Are we really living our lives? Come and explore - reality awaits.

10 July 2005

Oh How I Had Ached For It...

I ached for it all along
But it kept slipping through
My fingers as it passed me by

I reached out to snatch it
For myself...
But was left with just a muffled cry

It was suffocating
And often I knew not
What to do

If only I could stage
My heart in the world's skies
For each and all to view

But what would they see?
A hunt for it - a selfish pursuit
That would just let her be?

All I had wanted
Was time - time to myself
So that I could be with me...

For the first time in months
Time came and stood itself
By my side...

I opened my arms
Letting it penetrate my day
With pleasure and pride...

With time to myself
I began the journey of a dream
I cuddled myself in the land of sleep...

Where the silence embraced me in its arms
While seconds, minutes and the hours waited patiently
Letting me be with me as I dug into my world so deep.