Mirror or Mirage?

A journey in self-discovery about me... about life...about what it means to be... what it means to be happy... and what it means to be alive. Are we really living our lives? Come and explore - reality awaits.

04 October 2005

The X-Factor

We all spend so much of our days, weeks, months, years, lives looking for that special X-FACTOR in our lives. We keep looking for that one thing - that special something that we've all come to call the 'X-factor'.

However, so often, without our even realising, the X-factor pervades our day making us smile, laugh, enjoy life and experience all those emotions that we hunger to experience as humans.

A few months ago, I found the X-factor in my life... and it's just so amazing coz now that I've discovered it, come sunshine or rain, whatever be the season or the reason, I have beautiful days. It's amazing to know that a little something in your life can turn your world upside down. In my case, it's turned it upside UP :).

MAKE WAY people - the X-factor exists but it's for YOU to discover it.


  • At 2:12 am, Blogger R said…

    Heyy there
    glad to knw you found your X factor. pray all of us are equally lucky before its late.

  • At 2:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Or should it be the 'Y' Factor?

  • At 6:01 pm, Blogger Princessse said…

    @Mr. Quipster

    HEYyyyyyyy!!!!! You're back!! How are you man?? kya kardiyaa tune.. sambhaalaa kar yaar...

    We're all lucky enough to HAVE the x factor. It's just that we have to make the effort to uncover it in the ratrace we call 'life' before the race is over! :)

    Good to have you back man.

    @Gregor Johann Mendel

    Hahahahaha!! Well put. Now we all know WHY it's called the X factor and NOT the Y factor man :).... dont ya think? ;)

  • At 8:39 pm, Blogger Casablanca said…

    I thought the reason its an X-factor is because we cant put a finger to it exactly...

  • At 11:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    More important than finding an X-factor for yourself,

    is to know that you an X-factor in someone's life.

    That is the best feeling in the world

  • At 1:51 am, Blogger Princessse said…


    To many people the X-factor means different things... but my own belief is that once you identify a pattern in your life and become accustomed to the presence or absence of a particular factor / element, the existence of which takes you leaps and bounds towards the happiness you seek in life, it's arrived...

    It's still the X-factor mind you - because I can't quite NAME what it is. But I KNOW what it is and I know it's here :)...


    That's SUCH a sweet thought!! :) And so true! Are you lucky enough to be someone's X-factor? ;)

  • At 3:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am one person's X-FACTOR and many ppl's WHY-FACTOR

    Being WHY-FACTOR is ...... u know wht i mean


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