Sometimes it just takes a lil bit of thought, a tiny effort to make someone's day. It's almost as if in God's (the Higher Power or Higher Energy, call it what you may) great magnificient design, we are each given the power to influence someone else's day. And so I find, that if I look hard enough for the 'interventions' in my own day, I am blessed with many many sweet interventions.
Even if I tried to make a list of all of them, it wouldn't do justice to all those things that do make a difference to my day thatI remain unaware of. But here's my limited glimpse of those things that really mean so much to me and that I notice!
My mum, who will call me more than five times each afternoon even if she can't get through to me on her first three attempts (which should usually send the message that I'm extremely stuck up with some work and so, can't return her calls) - just to make sure that she asks me what I would like to have for dinner that evening, so that she knows I'm eating something I will enjoy.
My dad who is endlessly frustrated with today's super-fast-pace-of-life that it so gets to him. But somehow, he always manages to come up with a reaaaaaallyyyyy corny joke, at which I cannot help but smile!
Someone who is thoughtful enough to make sure that I get my daily dose of nature and exercise in some form or means, so that I do not become mad venturing from one set of four-walls, into another set of four-walls.
These are some of little joys which I am blessed to experience everyday. :) And it serves to remind me how even the smallest of thoughts translated into action can make a huge difference to someone else's day.
When I was young I used to believe that God had chosen me to be an instrument of His and that I had some Special work to do here. This belief of mine still holds true (though I often forget this in the hullaballoo of my day!). The only difference is that I think that each one of us here has the same special work to do in His grand design. We just don't know it.