Mirror or Mirage?

A journey in self-discovery about me... about life...about what it means to be... what it means to be happy... and what it means to be alive. Are we really living our lives? Come and explore - reality awaits.

11 May 2005

Without a Word

It's not emotion that I lack

It's a crippling disability

Oh what words should I use to describe

What feelings are whirling inside of me

Like a painter who has from his pallete

So many a colour to choose

Yet the brush cannot paint strokes of its own

Without the painter putting the colours to use


  • At 1:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The feelings lay not dormant.
    They are there for all to see.
    This canvas asks but of you,
    to express what it is you feel.

    The artist shall do the painting,
    the brush is not to be blamed for the piece.
    Look within the artist,
    to find why it is not at peace.


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